
Intermountain Regional Landfill (IRL) has been certified as a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) landfill.

Rob Richards, Owner and General Manager stated, “We have always seen our landfill as a resource to protect the environment and community through responsible disposal of waste.”

Established in 1980 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), CERCLA was set up to support the clean-up of abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites to protect human health and the environment. To become a CERCLA-certified landfill, IRL was required to go through a year-long rigorous process to ensure that the waste was disposed of responsibly and to meet all guidelines required by the EPA.

As a CERCLA-certified landfill, we are now better positioned to partner with Federal authorities and contractors to dispose of waste from the Superfund sites that have been determined as a potential threat. Once these sites are cleaned and are ready for use, they can be turned into resources for the community to be used for parks or recreational areas, homes, businesses, transportation, or industrial use.

This is just one more way that IRL is fulfilling its mission to leave a legacy of a clean, healthy planet for all generations.

For More Information on CERCLA cleanup, please contact Brian Alba, Operations Manager, (801) 865-2624 or Brian@IRLUtah.com.